Our services The resulting adjustment factor is multiplied by each administrative unit census value for the target year. [{"date": "2020-02-24", "value": 4}, {"date": "2020-03-02", "value": 2}, {"date": "2020-03-09", "value": 0}, {"date": "2020-03-16", "value": 13}, {"date": "2020-03-23", "value": 16}, {"date": "2020-03-30", "value": 13}, {"date": "2020-04-06", "value": 1}, {"date": "2020-04-13", "value": 1}, {"date": "2020-04-20", "value": 3}, {"date": "2020-04-27", "value": 0}, {"date": "2020-05-04", "value": 3}, {"date": "2020-05-11", "value": 1}, {"date": "2020-05-18", "value": 1}, {"date": "2020-05-25", "value": 1}, {"date": "2020-06-01", "value": 5}, {"date": "2020-06-08", "value": 5}, {"date": "2020-06-15", "value": 2}, {"date": "2020-06-22", "value": 32}, {"date": "2020-06-29", "value": 1}, {"date": "2020-07-06", "value": 0}, {"date": "2020-07-13", "value": 3}, {"date": "2020-07-20", "value": 7}, {"date": "2020-07-27", "value": 21}, {"date": "2020-08-03", "value": 14}, {"date": "2020-08-10", "value": 0}] You logged out of HDX
In 2018, the population density in Nicaragua was estimated at nearly 54 people per square kilometer, up from 53 inhabitants per square kilometer a year earlier. Population density is more concentrated within Nicaragua’s capital city limits with an average 10,312 residents per square mile (3,981 per square kilometer). Nicaragua - Population density Population density (people per sq.

Nicaragua: High Resolution Population Density Maps +...NIC_women_of_reproductive_age_15_49_2019-06-01_csv.zipNIC_women_of_reproductive_age_15_49_2019-06-01_geotiff.zip
Then we work with our partners at Columbia University to overlay general population estimates based on publicly available census data and other population statistics. "Population density in Nicaragua from 2008 to 2018 (in number of inhabitants per square kilometer)." Forgot your password? This is a good thing considering the amount of poverty in Nicaragua, and the annual growth rate is currently very close to manageable worldwide average at 1.06% as of 2019.The rate of growth in Nicaragua has been decreasing since the 1970s, trend that is expected to continue in the years to come. As the graph below shows, over the past 57 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 53.73 in 2018 and a minimum value of 15.21 in 1961. The 2019 population density in Nicaragua is 54 people per Km 2 (141 people per mi 2), calculated on a total land area of 120,340 Km2 (46,464 sq. For details, please see your browser’s Help section (by pressing F1). Take this 5 minute survey to help the Centre shape its data literacy resources for humanitarians. On this page you can find past, current and future population statistics for Nicaragua (from 1950-2100), population map, demographics, live population counter etc. Customized Research & Analysis projects:

Population. The population of Nicaragua has been very much above average in the past, but the birth rate has slowed significantly in the past couple of decades, which is currently lower than the worldwide average at roughly 2.2 births per woman in the country. Single Account Business Plan Export OPEC oil price annually 1960-2020

The population is distributed along the horizontal axis, with males shown on the left and females on the right. Use the form to ask a question or provide comments about this dataset to the contributor. 84% of the country's population lives in urban areas. KPIs for more than 20,000 online stores Honduras Area and Population Density. Today Nicaragua's economy is based on agricultural efforts, since the nation has very fertile land and a low density of population on that land. In World Bank. We advocate for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is

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