Just then, Tyke walks back onto the scene and whimpers. Spike busts himself out of the shed and under the impression the cat has been at Tyke again, rushes up to Tom angrily and demands to know where his son is, threatening to skin him alive if Tyke is underneath the barrel. Spike comforts his son back to sleep again and no sooner does Tyke doze off then Tom and Jerry enter the scene. A sleeping Spike (who holds a shotgun) senses the delectable piece of meat, and sleepwalks after the steak. Tom makes a quick exit, but runs into Spike, who still blames Tom for putting Tyke in the barrel (not realizing that Jerry is responsible) and attacks Tom - skinning him alive off-screen. Jerry takes cover by diving into what appears to be Spike's jaw, but he really ducked under the dog's chin. Spike, who was glaring angrily at Jerry due to the trouble he caused, demands that Tom lift up the barrel. Tom does a double gulp, realizing he is in serious trouble. When a bulldog threatens Tom to keep away from his puppy, Jerry realizes that sticking close to the boy is the best way to keep away his feline tormentor. Tom successfully locks Spike in a garden shed before an evil smile is shot in Jerry's direction. Spike grabs Tom by the whiskers and issues him an ultimatum: leave Tyke alone or suffer the consequences. Jerry, who had tied himself to Tyke as a precautionary measure, is privy to what Tom is trying to accomplish. However, without Tom noticing, Jerry escapes through the side of the barrel and puts Tyke under the barrel instead. Tom duplicates Tyke's whimpering and barking, but accidentally meows when he tries to duplicate his growl. MGM also reissued its cartoons before the introduction of Perspecta Sound. Tom runs through a door and into some spades, rakes and hoes, as Jerry hides among the two dogs. Seeing the dog smack his lips as if having eaten the mouse, Tom carefully places his hand in Spike's mouth while the dog is sleeping, and Jerry emerges from his hiding place and slams the bulldog's jaws shut with Tom's hand still in it. Knowing he's lost his opponent, he runs back through the detour and onto his own rake. Hiding behind Tyke's kennel, he reaches out for Jerry, so Jerry moves Tyke's tail into Tom's grip, so that Tom ends up grabbing Tyke.
With Daws Butler. Tom screams in pain, and Spike picks him up and pats him on the back. Directed by Joseph Barbera, William Hanna.
To find Jerry, Tom picks Tyke up to look underneath … Tom screams in great pain and props were thrown and broken. Because of the The filmography of the cartoon series Tom and Jerry2001: Hanna-Barbera Productions/Turner Entertainment cartoon2001: Hanna-Barbera Productions/Turner Entertainment cartoonLeonard Maltin's book of Mice and Magic: History of American Animated Cartoons Jerry emerges from behind Tyke and walks off casually until Tom comes running back. But Tom is not about to let the mouse evade him so easily. Love That Pup is a 1949 Tom and Jerry cartoon. To wake up the dog, Jerry lifts up Tyke's kennel and slams it on Tom's tail. Spike is sleeping beside his son Tyke when Tyke suddenly wakes up from a bad dream. Spike looks at Tom suspiciously. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Tom runs and collides with the fountain, tree, and clothesline hanger, then lastly a trashcan. Tom confidently starts to lifts up the barrel, until he hears a whistle, and looks to his side to see Jerry lying on a nearby fence, waving to him. He does this by dangling a large piece of steak from a clothesline.
Love That Pup: October 1, 1949 Spike threatens Tom to never bother his son Tyke. Spike is sleeping beside his son Tyke when Tyke suddenly wakes up from a bad dream. Like the other studios, MGM reissued and edited its cartoons when re-released to theaters. After running off with the little pup, Tom realizes his mistake. He turns around to see a sleeping Spike feeling for Tyke and rushes back, taking on the role of Tyke. Tom runs through a door and into some spades, rakes and hoes, as Jerry hides among the two dogs. To find Jerry, Tom picks Tyke up to look underneath the puppy. Tyke is lying underneath it, wiggling his tail at his father. First … Shivering, Tom begins to lift the barrel, only to have Spike impatiently swipe it.
Many pre-1952 cartoons were reissued with Perspecta Sound, which was introduced in 1954. While standing outside the gate, with him being assigned by Spike to guard them there, he peeks through a hole in the fence to see if his fur is being used like a comfortable rug by Spike and Tyke, as well as Jerry, who hangs a sign saying "Do not disturb" on Spike's ear. Tom holds up his right hand and sees nothing, then holds up his left hand, and drops Tyke in fear before smiling nervously as he tries to run away. Tom finally realizes that in order to get Jerry, Spike, who is effectively Jerry's shield, must be removed from the picture. All of Jerry's efforts to wake up the mesmerized dog fail, and he ends up getting flattened by Spike. Tom yells in pain and leaps back, causing Spike to wake up as Tom struggles to free his hand, After he accidentally pulls out Spike's teeth, he smiles innocently and uses Spike's teeth as-castanets while doing a Flamenco dance (while clicking to the tune of "The Mexican Hat Dance") out of the scene and runs away, dropping the teeth on the bucket. A horrified Jerry runs and Tom catches him, trapping him inside of an upturned barrel and hammering a cork in its knot hole.
Spike comforts his son back to sleep again and no sooner does Tyke doze off then Tom and Jerry enter the scene.
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