Kolkata’s specialty is that it has street food for everyone. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.The city’s former name, Calcutta, is an Anglicized version of the Fashioned by the colonial British in the manner of a grand European capital—yet now set in one of the poorest and most overpopulated regions of India—Kolkata has grown into a city of sharp contrasts and contradictions. Every city has its specialty in food. Kolkata is a city which retains an extreme important historical significance. During these Kolkata was also shaped by the massive Renaissance social and religious reform movement in the 19th and 20th centuries, which originated in the city and spread across India. For the … Bengalis are passionate about food (especially fish), so don't miss sampling some delicious Source: Indianexpress.com, Image: indianfootballnetwork.comSource: thebetterindia.com, Image: kitchenplatter.comSource: thehindubusinessline.com, Image: travel.india.comSource: worldatlas.com, Image: McKay Savage, FlickrSource: timesofindia.indiatimes.com, Image: Wikipedia Plan your trip there with this Kolkata information and city guide. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students.

The... 2. Many of the old mansions around Ballygunge, built by the city's fashionable elite who relocated to the south, have also been converted into hip boutiques, restaurants and hotels. Being the capital of the British Raj, Kolkata is a city that holds an extremely crucial place in the economy, politics and culture of India. With the major and wide network of Railways and Roads, the reach to Kolkata becomes easy.With a tremendous progress the city kept growing until the Immerse Yourself in India on These Insightful Walking Tours

It has made sure to surround itself with several options – varying from the amenities it provides to the amount it charges. During this time, Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore rose to prominence as the first non-European Nobel Prize winner, and also composed India's national anthem. The city's

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Every by lane in the city still has houses and shops that reflect the rich history of the bygone eras, and this is what gives a distinct character to this metropolis.
Unfortunately, people often overlook visiting Kolkata in favor of India's more iconic destinations. Kolkata Book Fair is world’s 3 rd largest books conglomeration. The second biggest city of the country, Kolkata was formerly called as Calcutta.

The Old Capital of India. The reputation of creative and intellectual Bengalis, for enjoying spirited discussions and debates (locally known as " The Chinese community hasn't been so lucky though. Further south, the area around South City Mall is a happening hangout for the city's younger generation.

Love Tea? As always in India, it's important not to drink the water in Kolkata. These include Bow Bazaar, Burra Bazaar and China Town, where people of various communities live. The Kolkata we know today is not the Kolkata that once was; of course, this holds true for most cities.

Regarded as the India’s Intellectual, Artistic and Cultural Capital, Kolkata showcases a great deal of colonial and modern architectural marvels that are loved and praised by people worldwide. From highly-reviewed hotels to the basic ones; all are present in varied corners of this friendly city. Fortunately, government reforms during the 1990s have brought about economic recovery. However, it also has cluster of interesting neighborhoods in what was known as "Grey Town", between British "White Town" and "Black Town". Polo is not usually associated with India, but Kolkata holds an exception. Your Essential Guide to Visiting Delhi, India's Captial City
She was so much touched by the poverty conditions of this city that she decided to serve humanity here. Area covered by Kolkata.

With people who come down to visit and explore this magnificent city of joy, have extremely huge place in their hearts for Kolkata. But some lesser known facts about Kolkata are going to astonish you to say the least. Kolkata offers an eclectic combination of attractions. The Khidderpore port in Kolkata is India’s only riverine port and also the oldest port in the country. Naipaul, went even further and did the worst insult of all by saying- “It’s a pile of crap dumped by God.” Even the former Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi, called it a “Dying City.”The East Kolkata Wetlands, a complex of natural and human-made wetlands, was designated a “wetland of international importance” by the Ramsar Convention (1975).The world-famous Kolkata cuisines make it a haven to food lovers.

The city was once called “the home of everything in the world worth hating” by French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss. From the Nawabi Mughals to the tech-savvy Google, Kolkata never grew old.If Mumbai is the city that never sleeps, then Kolkata is the city that never gets tried and dreams on for more joy and happiness.

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