According to HRD wind analyses from 0430 UTC 13 September (1130PM CDT, 12 September) through 1330 UTC 13 September, it is possible that tropical storm force winds affected most of southeast Texas for as much as 9 hours or longer. It was completely dark, but I could see enough to know that I didn’t want to go outside.As soon as I made it back to the bed, the power went out. More than likely, it was the longevity of the winds that contributed to the extensive damage across southeast Texas, more so than the intensity of the winds. The extensive damage from Ike's winds also masked any tornado damage. Kayla (Jessica’s Sister) offered her place to stay for a night. We lost a section of that, but no big deal, I’m happy with just that. While most residents looked like they had made it through the storm without any problems, It was clear that many of the unlucky ones would not recover quickly from this storm. Overnight, the hurricane had made a turn north and was now projected for a direct hit on Galveston Island. This may have been the last time the Woodlands had power in September… Nothing to do but sleep it out.We woke up to find the storm still blowing pretty strong. The air outside was as still as ever, and the sky was clear. Should we go to College Station? At 3am, when I went to bed, the wind had picked up, and the rain had started… it wouldn’t stop for 24 hours.I am awake because of the loud storm outside. Many of you have been calling or texting and asking how we’re doing. We decided we would play it by ear and decide on Thursday.Suddenly, Houston is in full out evacuation mode. The parents’ house is much larger and generally better protected from the trees and the elements because of the boarding up that they had done beforehand.This was definitely the calm before the storm. Everything looks normal… thank God.It turns out that the only thing we really had wrong with our property is our back fence. Hurricane Ike came ashore early Saturday morning of 13 September 2008 as a category 2 storm on the Saffir-Simpson Scale with maximum sustained winds of 95 knots (110 mph). These kinds of winds were certainly possible, but given the HRD wind analyses, velocity data from the NWS Houston/Galveston radar, and wind data from various research groups, sustained winds of 75 to 85 knots (85-100 mph) were more likely across southeast Texas. Houston officials are saying not to return into town while work is saying that the office is open on Monday. Hurricane Ike came ashore early Saturday morning of 13 September 2008 as a category 2 storm on the Saffir-Simpson Scale with maximum sustained winds of 95 knots (110 mph). Velocity data and storm relative velocity maps did not indicate any strong areas of rotation within these vortices. The grocery stores were packed, and the gas station lines were long, but Jessica and I still had to work. 3rd Sep, 2008 Promoted to a Cat. Bush Intercontinental Airport reported tropical storm force winds beginning at midnight on Saturday 13 September and ended when the observation failed at 5AM CDT.
The breeze began to pick up and the first sprinkles began to fall at about the same time that we had our first Crown and Coke…. Many of you have been calling or texting and asking how we’re doing. It had 35 mph winds and moved at about 15 mph. Outer rain bands that typically spawn tornadoes occurred mostly over western Louisiana which limited tornado activity to these areas. The HRD wind swath map shows a band of winds greater than 90 mph stretching into most of Chambers County. The reflectivity data from the NWS Houston/Galveston radar showed that Hurricane Ike had several small vortices within its eye wall structure. Should we weather out the storm at the new house in Houston? A timeline of the formation, path, destructive force and "death" of a hurricane.
As most of you already know, Hurricane Ike has made its way through the gulf, into Texas, and already up into Canada. Justin, Katie, Jessica and I packed our things and left for what we thought would be one night in College Station.Arrival in College Station. Did you know? A good number of the large pines that give the Woodlands its name had fallen… and a good number of the fallen had landed directly on the roofs of houses and garages. Hurricane force winds east of the eye of Ike could have affected portions of east Texas just as long.The wind analyses from HRD provide rough information about the structure of Hurricane Ike in regards to its wind fields.Doppler velocity data from the NWS Houston/Galveston WSR-88D is consistent with the analysis as well.
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. Reports are that The Woodlands may not get power for another 2 or 3 weeks. So we travel down I-45 from the Woodlands to the house in Jersey Village. Thanks for everyone’s concern, and a big thanks to those of you who offered us a place to stay.I was let out of the office after lunch, and Jessica had to finish out her day at school. We appreciate the concern and the many offers of places to stay.
It was almost eerie to know that a hurricane was on its way. The wind analyses also gave a good estimate of the longevity of the tropical storm and hurricane force winds.
FCMP's T5 sensor has winds close to this estimate but still lower than the analysis. In summary, while there may have been brief tornadic circulations, radar data and storm damage could not confirm that Hurricane Ike caused any tornadoes in Southeast Texas.The focus of this study was to investigate intensity of the wind fields as Hurricane Ike moved inland. Let me tell you how our preparation and evacuation has gone. Surely this was the worst part of the storm. Additionally, a front in the Midwest combined with moisture from former east pacific Tropical Depression Lowell to produce heavy rains Friday into Saturday. The NHC with its recon data had maximum sustained winds of 95 knots (110 mph) as Ike made landfall. I walked out of our bedroom into the hall to check things out. The HRD analysis inAdvancing ahead another 3 hours to 1030 UTC (530AM CDT) 13 September, Hurricane Ike continued to push north and begin to weaken. It moves at about 15-20 mph. There were no tornadoes reported with the storms. The strongest winds were still in the northeast quadrant which is very typical for a northward moving hurricane. Hurricane Timeline – 1970’s.
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