Two more are planned to be added during development (orcs, and dwarves): Doing so unlocks the option account-wide. They are still learning to combine their warrior instincts and their newfound sense of fairness.There's two kinds: the city dwellers and the nomads. So, long story short, a PC race I plan on including in a homebrew setting of mine are a race of Gorgons, inspired by Vraska and the other gorgons of Magic: the Gathering.So, does anybody have any comments? If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is instantly petrified.Otherwise, a creature that fails the save begins to turn to stone and is restrained. When a creature that can see the medusa's eyes starts its turn within 30 feet of the medusa, the medusa can force it to make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw if the medusa isn't incapacitated and can see the creature. Venom-Kissed. Sigh.) Fairies are the first 'advanced' race added to Project Gorgon.

Rakshasa are good allies, 'cuz what's not to like about a swordfighting tiger? There was no way to calm them as they were impossible to domesticate. Drinking serves no purpose for them.

When you make your first attack on your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly.

"Brother" is a very common term of endearment among them, and friends of a goron tribe are often referred to as brothers—regardless of whether or not they are male.

Since logically, one would need to be born with an extra set of arms to use them better in the future. D&D 5e Yuan-ti Pureblood Traits.

Deep vowel sounds such as "ah," "oh," and "oo" are prominent.

Gorons most readily get along with races which share these values, usually including the like of Although gorons only have one gender, all goron names are all considered male. He must still meet multiclass requirements for gaining levels in this class or other classes, regardless of which one he first gains levels. Contributor:star2: screaminStars :star2: 10. Popular races include human, elf, dwarf, and halfling. Elves are forest loving, sex-addicted, and obsessively clean.

I think the gaze attack should be an action and not a bonus action. But the nomads are pretty lazy, preferring to hunt for sport rather than work to improve themselves. They're trustworthy merchants and they make charismatic leaders. I'm really grateful to everyone for their help in trying to balance this out. Since logically, one would need to be born with an extra set of arms to use them better in the future. It's probably also worth noting something like "this feat can only be taken once", unless you want to allow players to have like, infinity extra arms (I don't know why, but I can name a couple people I've played with who would!).

When traveling more than a few feet, a goron will usually tuck itself into a ball and roll, which allows it to traverse ground at much greater speed.

But they're pretty open about sex, and they're very generous.

Humans are notoriously prudish and petty, but they are extremely loyal to their friends and allies.

The primary contributor has requested no further edits to this page ; The user above has requested no further edits to this page. They're also one of few races that have widely adopted the use of explosive powder, and when in battle they often make use of bombs or other explosives. Goron cities and villages are almost universally built into caves or the sides of mountains, where the tastiest and most nutritious rocks are abundant. Their laws are surprisingly primitive, they're prone to bouts of depression that last for decades, and they're constantly washing their hands. Human merchant camps are neutral ground, so try not to burn those down too often. This makes traditional movement difficult for them over anything but short distances. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Because they are literally made of rock, gorons have an inherent durability to their bodies, but are also particularly dense and heavy.

Humanoid 0 Ability score increases 3 Darkvision (60') 2 Almost Dwarven Resilience 1 Bonus Cantrip at-will 0.5 They're probably charm-rapists, too! And gorgons already get Advantage on Grapple Checks for their Writhing Mane trait, so Four Arms granting the same is pointless; Advantage doesn't stack. At 3rd level and again at 5th level, increase your Starting at 3rd level, you can hold your breath indefinitely. (All player fairies are assumed to be Summer fae.) While you hold your breath for Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Starting at 5th level, your crystalline skin toughens against conventional weaponry.

"R" consonants are also very common, especially in the center of the name.

5e SRD >Races >3rd Party Publisher Races >Mal and Tal, LLC > Gorgon.

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Races. They become set in their ways and then they're easily manipulated. But they're generous and fair, in their way. They come with a variety of advantages and disadvantages, and a player may only create a fairy after completing the quest Free Tortured Fairies given by Fazzi in the Winter Nexus. JavaScript is disabled.

Grungs reach maturity at only 1 year of age, growing from tadpoles into full-fledged frogs.

Venom-Kissed. Ravnica Races Expanded introduces six new playable races present on Ravnica, including: Gorgons, also known as medusas, capable of turning their foes to stone with a gaze. There's no reason to link them to a spell. 1 The Vainglorious Cursed; 2 The Strong Dominate The Weak; 3 Traits; The Vainglorious Cursed. There are currently four playable races. I think I would keep it per the rules for poison resistance, which again, makes it comparable to the Dragonborn.Fundamentally, multiple arms should either be phrased along the lines of "You have increased your ability to use your extra arms..." or be a replacement ability to say, the head tendrils. I wondering if Writhing Mane, is better as an attack option rather than being able to hold items or obtain an upgrade that allows it to use weapons? This speed of this "goron roll" combined with a goron's weight makes it a powerful charging attack for chasing down foes. I'll give a quick point build analysis of your gorgon.

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