Once a tourist likes a product or business he had encountered between visiting one of Europe’s largest art collections, historical places, world famous clubs or concert halls, or chilling on a trendy beach club on the river Spree, he/she might order it online or build a new market in his/ her home country.Startuppers will find a large variety of networks, a broad well educated and trained resource pool, endless opportunities to spend time off work, and a supporting structure that is second to none in Germany. Come and tell us about it!  Community startup Strive School joins Y Combinator +++ Startup Accelerator in Berlin for startups in eye-care We are investing up to 20,000 Euros into startups that are helping prevent, cure, and live with eye-disease and blindness, and offering a 3 month accelerator program and fantastic networking opportunities to the leading names in this market. Various Crowdfunding platforms support alternative investment opportunities and Berlin’s large banks – some of them have unique financing status and capabilities – provide access to more conventional loans or specific public financing instruments.

Eventbrite, and certain approved third parties, use functional, analytical and tracking cookies (or similar technologies) to understand your event preferences and provide you with a customized experience. Join our pitching event this we…  Community startup Strive School joins Y Combinator +++ Startups such as GetYourGuide, N26 and Raisin are just some of those at the forefront of the continent’s new economy. Once a month we send a news bulletin with content submitted by the group members. Startup Berlin Group is a free chat for people u0003interested in the Berlin startup scene. Sand boarding. We curate a monthly members generated u0003bulletin, a startup directory, organize events u0003and generaly have good time while fosterting u0003the startup community in the city Which brings me to probably to the most important inhibitor for even stronger growth in the ecosystem: bureaucracy. With a new startup being founded every 20 minutes in the city, Berlin is a breeding ground for entrepreneurs who want to change the world. We re-imagine collaboration by connecting people, ideas, and resources to impact our community, our surroundings, and the world. Want to get a sense of our community? We re-imagine collaboration by connecting people, ideas, and resources to impact our community, our surroundings, and the world.The latest news, events and stories delivered right to your inbox.We use cookies to provide the best experience on our website. Maximum 2 re-buys. Berlin Geekettes (@BerlinGeekettes) is a community of women in tech providing support and resources (trainings, workshops, ... experts and support. The German government has highlighted its support for startups in their No wonder so many entrepreneurial talents decides to build their future in Berlin. Berlin Startup Culture is a weekly meetup group where the Berlin tech startup community comes together to drink, work, discuss and network. Having gone though a series of political systems over the last century, through a range of styles in architecture and art, fashion, music and film, and through a transformation in business from subsidized industry to developing advanced services, Berlin literally embodies change.Many national and international films are produced and shot in and around Berlin, carrying the reputation of Germany’s film industry in the early twenties of the last century into the 21 century, thus showcasing today’s Berlin as creative hub with a unique mix of art, culture, technology, entrepreneurship, and every day life.

Texas Holdem Buy-in = €20 Unlimited soft …I actually have some fans on a facebook page related to this stuff. Community & Startup Events. Subscribe to get the freshest updates from the Berlin Startup Scene.Startup Berlin Group is a free chat for people interested in the Berlin startup scene. Some of the largest startup-related events that attract visitors from around the world are part of Dune Bashing Camel ride. You can also see this video as an external link.A network of curated partners to support and accelerate your growth.Factory Berlin is the strongest ecosystem for innovation in Europe.

In 2014, over 12 million tourists form all corners of the world visited Berlin. Are you working on an idea and would like some feedback?

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