Hotel staff friendly. Would certainly want to come back k again if we get a chance. Be inspired: Top Bed and Breakfasts destinations in 2020Yays Zoutkeetsgracht Concierged Boutique Apartments Certificate of Excellence.

Quiet setting and easy access to get to places.”“Good Facilities, great location - so close to the Giants Causeway & coastal areas. Food portions in the restaurant very large - American sizes! Lovely comfy warm beds.

Pravila o odpovedi in predplačilu se spreminjajo glede na vrsto apartmaja.

Because flexibility matters.Payments accepted on include American Express, Diner's Club International, Maestro, MasterCard, Visa, Visa Electron and PayPal.Flight-inclusive Packages created on are financially protected by the ATOL scheme (under Expedia, Inc.'s ATOL number 5788). “Cleanliness and everything included to make the stay very comfortable” The area is extremely nice, quiet and close to the attractions like Dark Hedges and Giant causeway. Komentar lahko napiše le gost, ki je rezerviral preko in je dejansko bival v nastanitvi. This website and our general terms and conditions will provide you with information on the protection that applies in the case of each travel service offered before you make your booking. Muco Guest House 3-star 3 stars. ”“The apartment was very comfortable and well equipped.

V kolikor ne rezervirate fleksibilnega cenika, morda ne boste upravičeni do vračila. Pred tem bo preverjeno, ali komentar ustreza smernicam.

If staying in Bushmills then I would highly recommend here as it ticked all the boxes for us.

Thank you”“Great Location and very tidy property- lovely view to the river and short walk into all the Town amenities”“Cleanliness and everything included to make the stay very comfortable ”“The house was very clean and very well maintained. Croaghuan and Deserted Village ...Situated near the beach, this bed & breakfast is within 3 mi (5 km) of Keel Beach, Keem Bay Beach and Achill Island Golf Club. Prosimo vas le, da upoštevate par enostavnih smernic.Komentarji gostov in odgovori nastanitev bodo podali široko paleto mnenj in izkušenj, ki bodo gostom v pomoč pri odločanju glede rezervacije nastanitev.Prispevki na odražajo predanosti gostov in nastanitev, kar izjemno cenimo in spoštujemo.Ne glede na to, ali je komentar pozitiven ali negativen, ga bomo v celoti objavili čim hitreje.

Achill sprejema te kartice in si pridržuje pravico do začasnega zadržanja sredstev na kartici pred vašim prihodom. Additional terms may apply.If you want to find somewhere to stay with fewer rooms than a hotel and a cosy environment, a bed and breakfast might be the perfect option for your holiday to Keel. Amenities & Details . Slievemore is 2.3 mi (3.7 ...Situated in Achill Island, this bed & breakfast is within 2 miles (3 km) of Keel Beach, Achill Island Golf Club and Deserted Village. National Famine Memorial ...Situated in Mulranny, this golf bed & breakfast is within 1 mile (2 km) of Clew Bay and Mulranny Golf Club. Had the full Irish breakfast which was superb with locally sourced produce. Rezervacije za obdobja daljša od 30 noči niso mogoča. “We loved the property. Nice to sit and look out at the river and the addition of Sky and wifi is great.”1145390,1156530,1163410|3,1122540|2,1122540,1161780,1122540|7,1147160,1117110,1157820,1147980,1163770,1099630,1150360,1148630,1148630|1,1157980,1163410,1152210,1139800,1081120,1164210,1161320,1152640,1082980,1122540|6,1095870,1157610,1147160|2,1118310|9,1161780|4,1157530

To nastanitev upravlja zasebni gostitelj.

Vse pravice pridržane. Easy to park.

Potovanja so morda dovoljena le v določene namene, natančneje: turistična potovanja morda niso dovoljena. “Everything from location to accommodation was 100% as described if not better than what was described online.”

Vašo prošnjo za odpoved bo obdelala nastanitev na osnovi pravil, ki ste jih izbrali, in obvezne zakonodaje o varstvu potrošnikov, kadar bo to potrebno. Dugort Beach and Slievemore are also within ...Situated near the beach, this bed & breakfast is within 1 mile (2 km) of Keel Beach and Achill Island Golf Club. Izberite pravilo glede odpovedi, ki vam bo ustrezalo

0.5 kilometres from Achill . "Situated near the beach, this bed & breakfast is 1.2 mi (1.9 km) from Keel Beach, and within 3 mi (5 km) of Achill Island Golf Club and Deserted Village.

If you do not receive an ATOL Certificate then the booking will not be ATOL protected.

Prices and availability subject to change. Možne so še nekatere druge opcije razvrstitve (glede na vrsto popotnika, oceno itd. Tony is a really nice guy and he went out of his way to ensure we were comfortable.

"Situated near the beach, this bed & breakfast is within 1 mile (2 km) of Achill Island Golf Club and Keel Beach. Quiet setting and easy access to get to places.” Parom je posebej všeč lokacija — podali so ji oceno The communication between myself and the property management of where we stayed could not have been better and all information was provided aswell as a personal phone number for any queries we had during our stay. Google zavrača vsa izrecna ali implicitna jamstva v zvezi s prevodi, vključno z jamstvom točnosti, zanesljivosti in drugimi implicitnimi jamstvi glede primernosti za prodajo, primernosti za določen namen ali nekršitve. Prosimo, da preverite številko svoje rezervacije in PIN-kodo ter poskusite ponovno. Ballycroy National Park and Rockfleet Castle are ..."Great welcome from the host. We loved the property. Excellent.

Preden komentar dodamo na stran, preverimo, da ne vsebuje neprimernih besed.Če ste rezervirali prek nas in želite napisati komentar, se najprej prijavite.

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