Check them out at It’s a double-action/single action, and average pulls on my sample were 11 pounds 10 ounces in double action and two pounds 10 ounces in single action. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets.To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. With a 7.5-inch barrel, performance of the .45 LC would come close to matching that of the new Ruger, in our opinion.All of this leads us to believe that Ruger’s new cartridge is something of a mistake. Recently I acquired a stainless steel Ruger Super Blackhawk Bisley in the amazing .480 Ruger caliber. Why not? But I wish people would stop suggesting it for the use of .44 special. We think only Ruger collectors and a few hunters will find it acceptable.The .480 Ruger is not a full-power .475 Linebaugh. The shorter the barrel, the more the recoil and the greater the pain.On viewing the .480 Ruger for the first time, one of our test shooters said, “Where are the wheels for that cannon?” The big Ruger is a large and clumsy brute. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save.

They were also wider, and the gun was slightly heavier than the .500 Linebaugh, which made this handgun a bit easier on the hand than the .500 with full loads. Also, loading dies are much cheaper.We’re sorry to put it this way, but if you want the full power of either the .475 or .500 Linebaugh—enough power to drop an elephant—in a package you can wear on your hip all day, you should pay the price for a custom revolver built by Bowen, Linebaugh, or one or two other gunsmiths, or Freedom Arms. The .480 Ruger gives you only a taste. The .500 Linebaugh, by comparison, weighed 47 ounces.Fit and finish were very good. Maybe you remember it, maybe you don’t, but it actually made its debut in the Super Redhawk more than 15 years ago.Further, the rim on the .480’s case, which is essentially a shortened .45-70 Gov’t, was turned down to the point Ruger could fit six of them in a cylinder.A practical, middle-of-the road round, it’s capable of taking on practically any four-legged critter you’d want to tackle with a handgun without ripping your wrists off.

The iron sights were fully adjustable, and gave an excellent sight picture. I heard ruger stopped production on the .480? With these loads, the relatively light gun ends up rising so far that it’s actually pointing behind us in full recoil.Although muzzle energy was only 1,417 foot-pounds, recoil energy computed to be 38 foot-pounds. What does matter is: Can you get within 20 yards?

Bullets are a bit easier to come by for the .475 than for the .500, but one good bullet mould will produce all the bullets anyone would need for a lifetime of shooting with either cartridge. Ruger, Hornady and SAAMI settled on a peak operating pressure of 48,000 psi. I have read that the (felt) recoil of the 480 Ruger is around 33% less than the 454 Casull, but having only 15% less power (both using 300 grain bullets). The .480 Ruger was originally chambered just in the heavy double action Ruger Super Redhawk revolver, but the good folks at Lipsey’s listened to customer demand and asked for the .480 to be chambered in the comparatively lighter single action Super Blackhawk. That is why experienced handgunners want Ruger to bring out the two monster cartridges in the Ruger Bisley, and in no other configuration. It’s way too big to pack, and appears to be designed solely for hunting. The folks at Ruger apparently figured the real reason for these big guns was for hunting, hence the easily-scoped, long-barreled configuration of their new product. Either cartridge has all the penetration anyone would ever want, so there’s nothing to choose from there, in spite of the fact that the sectional density of the .475 is a bit higher. Here’s why.We acquired a Ruger .480 Super Redhawk with 9.5-inch barrel.

The new Ruger is not in the same league and is, we believe, something of a mistake. Like the new Ruger, they’re not easy to carry, and don’t impose the need of getting as close to the game as possible.The new Ruger was well made, like most Ruger products. Some “handgun” hunters use single-shot firearms with short barrels and scopes, but these are just short rifles that are difficult to hold steady.

That’s not a good thing. As most shooters are familiar with the Super Redhawk, I won't go into detail here on the finer points of the sixgun, and just give a general description.

The cylinder was long enough to be rechambered to accept the full-length, full-power .475 Linebaugh cartridge. His right elbow was bent a lot, and the gun was too close to his face. 1 single shot and the 10-22 rimfire rifles come to mind), we can only say we were underwhelmed with the .480 Ruger. Compare that to the 0.094 inch of the five-shot .500 Linebaugh and even thicker webs on the .475 Linebaugh, and you’ll realize our concern. The grip was hand-filling, noticeably larger than that of the .500.

It's funny, the .480 Ruger is merely a .475 Linebaugh with a slightly shorter case. Both are easily as flat-shooting as many .44 Magnum loads to extreme range, if that matters. than miss with twice that energy because the recoil was too much for me. The weight of the Ruger and its less-than-monster recoil would help it work with a great many good scopes, though. The .500 case is noticeably larger than the .475 case.One thing for sure, the .500 had one huge hole in its barrel. Brass is also questionable. They just happened to be blued and not stainless.The scope and rings brought overall weight to 70 ounces, and that helped make the gun quite controllable considering its unmistakable power. Bowen also offers a nifty .50 Special, which is similar to Ruger’s idea but on the bigger case.Perhaps this will give you some idea of the nature of this handgun with full loads. Of the 2 I'd go with the .44 as will a thousand others I'm sure. The gun would shoot better than that, the owner assured us, but we couldn’t manage to prove it. We taped up the Freedom grip to closely match the Ruger Bisley grip shape. Why the Bisley frame? Both are .510's and 510 GNR's can be shot in a 500 Linebaugh. With the full loads, the best we could do was 2.5 inches. All the weight of that 9.5-inch barrel up front helped hold the gun steady as long as we were able to hold it at arm’s length, which was not all that long.

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