wells. h��T�kg~.�\B�&�&�th�E����Β�ƴZ��&5�"�t�6�PH�) The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that the water poses a health risk. Drinking Water Quality Report 2018/19. WATER AT A GLANCE All drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. 9861 0 obj
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Annual Water Quality Reports . Our latest Annual Water Quality Report describes where your water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to the state and federal drinking water standards. Further information. Operation of our treatment processes requires attention to detail and our water treatment operators are trained to ensure they meet the requirements of the Water Treatment Operator Competency Framework - Best Practice Guidelines.Our Customer Service Centre is responsible for the real-time monitoring of our water treatment facilities. 9872 0 obj
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The sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and . �a�Iס�I�� *�'�ăo�P�&��y�N|���d[�mt�1�-�ɖ���r�rK�/�S�qh���阢��s�d�u���Lt��q^W@Zŝ8&L4�H�d��x�]ؾ�ڪ���Z�W�Z�H�:�G����\���'����H�$eZo�?�8LGP�F��q�ⵌڻ�-w��$W�t�W�6gf���)�R��Ϲ���ݍ��Y��K���hy]�7��P<3�{�b��M�(��5:��{�GPM֪��mo���-E�D�^df�D/�ov�(N�H(�R̬����j٠�A*""
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2019 Annual Water Quality Report. We take our role of providing quality drinking water seriously and have established a Drinking Water Quality Management System (DWQMS) which uses principles of the Our DWQMS is regularly audited and reviewed in accordance with requirements of the A key aspect of our approach to producing safe drinking water, is the use of multiple treatment processes. barwonwater.vic.gov.au For more information on the 2018/2019 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report, or any other concerns regarding water quality, including opportunities to work with us on improving water quality services, please contact our Product Quality Team on 1300 656 007 or email us at info@barwonwater.vic.gov.au.
SCADA continuously monitors treatment facilities and we have the ability to remotely shut down treatment plant processes if required.For copies of earlier Monthly Water Quality Reports, please
Welcome to City West Water’s annual Drinking Water Quality Report 2019. Each year we produce this report in order to update our customers and the community on the quality of the drinking water that we have supplied throughout our service area. 9844 0 obj
We are pleased to present this year’s Annual Water Quality Report (Consumer Confidence Report) as required by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). �PL��}l��,�י�wO��$��$��ac>�e���(b�������w��ay�'�#��f���a�HlZ�\��1mCyA�Av�Ų�|�?�C� �������0��i�v�����8d�ve�˶����՞\�Z����֎�҆=������������B��$�&_���~�p�B������I. hޜU�n�8�>f�H���0`�q�m�d��ik䁑i��Lz%�u��;��d�i��,��p��q�%�X�%!���|'�Y��H�數�R�r'��9X���� The annual water quality report contains important information about the water that you drink. 2018 WATER QUALITY REPORT The water provided by the Town of Payson meets or surpasses all Federal and State drinking water quality standards.
Annual Water Quality Report 2018-2019 (PDF, 2.4MB) A nnual Water Quality Report 2017-2018 (PDF, 5.9MB) Monthly Water Quality Reports 2020 Water Quality Report - June 2020 (PDF, 1.3MB) Water Quality Report - May 2020 (PDF, 1.3MB) 0
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CW&EP takes pride in the high quality product delivered to our customers in the Carthage community, ensuring that it meets or exceeds all Federal and State standards. 1.1bout this report A 16 1.2cological status of surface waters E 16 1.3hemical status of surface waters C 19 1.4hemical and quantitative status of groundwater C 19 1.5atchment-based report C 19 1.6ata sources and methodology D 19 1.7ignificant pressures and impacts S 20 1.8ational River Basin Management Plan N 20 1.9ccessing information on water quality A 21 2.IVERS R 26 2.1ntroduction I … 2017 Annual Water Quality Report. �2'�_IՖ���b[E�ڭ�y��6����Dmu�TDJ����.���������@CW/� {6L]6��A�}��q&2�r��8�`�C��r�s�_#���� 3D[H�_C��'�c�c��],��:&E Monthly Water Quality Reports are also prepared and are available below.
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An important message about drinking water sources from the USEPA . ����2��REI�~*��ZU�H���ms���b�k�!l�������Σe�|:���K��N ���O�9�"f�q���*��$��['O���U�3����ʪ�>��� ��@j��Χ�����}������@x��S��%�G.���R%v��[��z(�j
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