Yellow is at least 1.0 inch of rain and red is at least 2.0 inches of rain per hour.fvGCM Climate Model of Hurricane Ivan (Hourly/Closeup View)This animation illustrates the output of NASA's finite-volume General Circulation Model (fvGCM) during the five day period just prior to the landfall of hurricane Ivan.fvGCM Climate Model of Hurricane Frances and Other StormsThis animation illustrates the output of NASA's finite-volume General Circulation Model (fvGCM) which is a global, 1/4 degree atmospheric model. Green shows at least 0.5 inches of rain per hour.
Even with the direct effect of altitude removed, cold high-altitude regions such as the South Pole and the Himalayan Plateau still exhibit lower-than-normal pressures, probably due to the interaction of cold air over those regions with the warmer air in the surrounding regions.Hurricane Ivan Rainfall Structure with Cloud Overlay on September 16, 2004NASA's TRMM spacecraft is used by meteorologists to understand Hurricane Ivan.
Rs�u����ǷR� This animation shows the accumulated rainfall produced by three of those hurricanes during the month of September. It looks underneath of the storms clouds to reveal the underlying rain structure. The animation clearly shows the evaporation over land only during the heat of the day, while the evaporation over the ocean is continuous throughout the day. This set of images shows the progression of the hurricane as it approached Florida from the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. At this region, air is trying to flow from the equator towards the poles to reduce the slope, but the rotation of the Earth forces the flow to divert to the east, forming the strong west-to-east jet stream flows in these regions. Blue represents areas with at least 0.25 inches of rain per hour. Warm, moisture-laden air moving out from the tropics brings rainfall to the temperate zones. The cloud cover in any region significantly affects the energy balance since sunlight reflected from the clouds is not available to heat the surface. This animation shows the atmospheric sea level pressure for the whole globe from September 1, 2004, through September 5, 2004, during the period of Hurricane Frances in the western Atlantic Ocean and Typhoon Songda in the western Pacific Ocean. The animation follows Ivan from far out in the eastern Atlantic, all the way to land fall in southern Alabama. The data used for this animation was computed for each hour. Nida has been responsible for at least six deaths in the Philippines and has displaced thousands as it skirted the eastern part of the country before moving towards southern Japan. The cloud cover is taken by TRMM's Visible and Infrared Scanner (VIRS). Hurricane Jeanne was the fourth hurricane to hit Florida during the 2004 hurricane season.
Yellow is at least 1.0 inches of rain and Red is at least 2.0 inches of rain per hour.TRMM Looks at the Rain Fueling Hurricane Ivan on September 15, 2004NASA's TRMM spacecraft is used by meteorologists to understand Hurricane Ivan. These 'hot towers' suggest an efficient and powerful heat engine inside the storm, emphasizing to experts just how powerful this particular hurricane may be. Green shows at least 0.5 inches of rain per hour. This animation shows the atmospheric water vapor for the whole globe from September 1, 2004, through September 5, 2004, during the period of Hurricane Frances in the western Atlantic Ocean and Typhoon Songda in the western Pacific Ocean. When it hit the Florida coast on September 26, Jeanne was a Category 3 storm with sustained winds near 115 miles per hour.Accumulated Rainfall During Hurricanes Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne (WMS)During the hurricane season of 2004, an unprecedented four hurricanes hit Florida. Yellow is a Class 3 Hurricane where winds are sustained between 111 and 130 miles per hour. TRMM saw this view of Hurricane Jeanne on September 25, 2004, just before it made landfall. Yellow is at least 1.0 inches of rain and red is at least 2.0 inches of rain per hour.Hurricane Charley was the first of four hurricanes to hit the United States in 2004.Hurricane Ivan was the third hurricane to hit Florida during the 2004 hurricane season. Blue-Green shows a Class 1 Hurricane with winds between 74 and 95 miles per hour. The cloud cover is taken by TRMM's Visible and Infrared Scanner (VIRS). x�Խ[�$��$���8+8͗��Y@`��� v�%�f��9��@ER�����J}���W��_����������_A�����Us_=����߿~���hq���O=~�>�_�����=�_?�s�������������r��;�W�~����_%�N����J��M�Z�ض���j��V?�zR^���nܥD�����om�q��^�wȢ%��{{�}uk��ʱ~�W��D�ߕ�;[�4�������%JN���Ŷ7��L�!��a&B"B��Y�����|�Qپ���.�(��:�KږЎǬNJ�C]��Ŷ�i��v��ϑ���Iy�Uc��V_�eS|�P�خ���*W;��Iy[�9R���~���m��E�Q�*S��#����Mf���B�� �$�I�}��gZ�b;���=�?�)�D�_����h��ܡIY�7�0�}���mS��˓2�Kf{G��I��f���?�=]ͬf�k�p*}�Gn��(�,�u^��isW����[�rN)]�u{l�xKg�ڰ�w;��[�σ�tP�;C�w�����jǛ�|g}�S� c�7�"��O����T���l�{���/{_{���+c�9hc�s
Atmospheric pressure also varies from time-to-time due to the uneven heating of the atmosphere by the sun and the rotation of the Earth, causing weather. A large storm surge of more than 10 feet was created in certain areas, and many homes and businesses in low-lying areas were flooded.This animation shows the track of hurricane Jeanne, in yellow, and a track in green showing the path of Jeanne as predicted by the fvGCM model. Blue/Green shows a Class 1 Hurricane with winds between 74 and 95 miles per hour. Orange is a Class 4 Hurricane with winds between 131 and 154 miles per hour. This model has an increased accuracy of predicting the strength and location of hurricanes over other prediction methods.
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