That's what we offer.Enter your e-mail address below to receive a monthly report of new cemetery transcriptions.burial: 06/13/2008, Permit #6957, Block: 2IOOF, Lot: 14, Space: 1, Concrete Boxburial: 3/17/1979, Permit #629, Block: 92, Lot: 2, Row: 2, Funeral Home: Johnsons, Stateburial: 3/30/1960, Permit #81, Block: 92, Lot: 2, Row: 2, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 1/14/1964, Permit #8, Block: 92, Lot: 2, Row: 2, Funeral Home: Johnsons, County-Cityburial: 4/26/1943, Permit #176, Block: 81, Row: 31, Plot: 6, Space: 2burial: 2/22/1988, Permit #3053, Block: 6 IOOF, Lot: 22, Funeral Home: Massie, Stateburial: 10/31/1964, Permit #232, Block: 89, Lot: 10, Row: 5, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 12/12/1939, Block: 82, Lot: 3, Row: 4, Space: 12burial: 10/10/1950, Block: 86, Lot: 3, Row: 1, Plot: C, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 2/19/1991, Permit #3685, Block: 89, Lot: 1A, Space: 1, Funeral Home: Johnsons, Concrete Boxburial: 3/9/1971, Permit #71, Block: 89, Lot: 10, Row: 5, Funeral Home: Massieburial: 9/11/1969, Permit #215, Block: 86, Lot: 3, Row: 1, Plot: C, Funeral Home: Johnsons, Lot divided for 2burial: 01/31/2013, Permit #7495, Block: 92, Lot: 10, Row: 4, Space: 2, Concrete Boxburial: 12/24/1964, Permit #280, Block: 81 1/2, Row: 1, Space: 84, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 1/21/1974, Permit #12, Block: 97, Row: 12, Plot: B, Space: 25, Funeral Home: Starksburial: 4/14/1948, Block: 54, Lot: 33, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 10/4/1943, Block: 54, Lot: 33, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 3/11/1995, Permit #4533, Block: 56A, Lot: 5, Row: 2, Funeral Home: Starks, Concrete Boxburial: 12/9/1937, Block: 82, Lot: 3, Row: 1, Space: 1burial: 2/1/1985, Permit #2307, Block: 56A, Lot: 5, Row: 2, Funeral Home: Johnsons, Steel Vaultburial: 4/28/1922, Block: 54, Lot: 33, Deed to Blake Lacyburial: 1/21/2003, Permit #6122, Block: 56A, Lot: 5, Space: N, Funeral Home: Starks, Concrete Vaultburial: 11/20/1946, Block: 54, Lot: 33, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 5/6/1935, Block: 82, Lot: 1, Row: 3, Plot: 5, Space: 26burial: 1/14/1989, Permit #3252, Block: 92, Lot: 73, Row: 5, Funeral Home: Starks, Stateburial: 6/12/2002, Permit #6002, Block: 51, Lot: 7, Row: 4, Funeral Home: Massieburial: 12/6/1911, Block: 35, Lot: 1, Deed to J.L. 3 Rivers Lakeburial: 10/29/1982, Permit #1682, Block: 5, Lot: 14, Space: 2, Funeral Home: Gutierrezburial: 12/22/2005, Permit #6601, Block: 52A, Row: 1 South, Space: 9burial: 6/7/1952, Block: 82, Lot: 7, Row: 5, Space: 10, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 3/22/1940, Block: 821, Lot: 9, Row: 4, Space: 15, Countyburial: 1/21/1978, Permit #277, Block: 50A, Space: 65, Funeral Home: Gutierrezburial: 11/27/1950, Block: 82, Lot: 6, Row: 3, Space: 23, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 11/8/1990, Permit #3618, Block: 42, Lot: 3, Space: 7, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 12/17/2002, Permit #6106, Block: 62A, Lot: 2, Row: 2, Space: 1, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 3/19/1943, Block: 82, Lot: 5, Row: 4, Space: 22burial: 10/7/1978, Permit #490, Block: 101, Row: 1, Space: 64, Funeral Home: Johnsons, Stateburial: 08/21/2004, Permit #6382, Block: 25A, Lot: 5, Row: 1, Space: 4, Funeral Home: Johnsons, Steel Vault, Jerusalem Assembly of God Churchburial: 6/28/1944, Block: 82, Row: 1, Plot: 5, Space: 6, Funeral Home: Massieburial: 3/23/1999, Permit #5340, Block: 88, Lot: 29E, Space: 3, Funeral Home: Gutierrezburial: 2/3/1961, Permit #22, Block: 82, Lot: 7, Row: 6, Space: 29, Funeral Home: Massieburial: 7/13/1968, Permit #156, Block: 97, Row: 2, Plot: B, Space: 12, Funeral Home: Massieburial: 11/14/1939, Block: 82, Lot: 5, Row: 4, Space: 3burial: 2/24/1978, Permit #317, Block: Alley 2, Lot: 16, Space: 2, Funeral Home: Gutierrezburial: 03/09/2006, Permit #6639, Block: 52A, Row: 1, Space: 10burial: 02/24/2005, Permit #6463, Block: 42, Lot: 3, Space: 8, Steel Vaultburial: 3/8/1977, Permit #54, Block: 100A, Lot: 10, Funeral Home: Gutierrezburial: 11/05/2007, Permit #6861, Block: 25A, Lot: 5, Row: 1, Space: 3, Funeral Home: Gutierrez, Concrete Box, Reintered from Lubbockburial: 2/14/1956, Permit #35, Block: 82, Lot: 7, Row: 5, Space: 28, Funeral Home: Coxburial: 8/10/1978, Permit #450, Block: 52A, Row: 3, Space: 24, Funeral Home: Gutierrez, Stateburial: 10/7/1988, Permit #3200, Block: 87, Lot: 63B, Row: 3, Space: 4 & 5, Funeral Home: Johnsons, Infant twin boys - Mother, Belindaburial: 1/13/1961, Permit #9, Block: 83, Lot: 6, Row: 2, Plot: A, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 4/12/1993, Permit #4134, Block: 89, Lot: 19, Row: 3, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 12/07/1964, Permit #263, Block: 89, Lot: 19, Row: 3burial: 11/30/1937, Block: 28, Lot: 21, From Colorado City TXburial: 3/2/1959, Permit #46, Block: 84, Lot: 13, Row: 1, Plot: B, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 1/9/1981, Permit #1147, Block: 84, Lot: 13, Row: 1, Plot: B, Funeral Home: Johnsons, Steel Vaultburial: 5/1/1962, Permit #91, Block: B, Lot: Negro Plot, Funeral Home: Starksburial: 11/13/1927, Block: 57, Row: 7, Plot: 2 & 3, Space: 4burial: 2/18/1952, Block: B, Lot: Negro Plot, Funeral Home: Starksburial: 12/10/1945, Block: 96, Lot: 44A, Funeral Home: Vautrainburial: 5/3/1967, Permit #122, Block: 4 IOOF, Lot: 90, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 9/24/1977, Permit #201, Block: 4IOOF, Lot: 90, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 1/26/1976, Permit #15, Block: 82, Plot: Str 3, Space: 2, Funeral Home: Massieburial: 5/23/1979, Permit #685, Block: Alley 1, Lot: 17, Space: 1, Funeral Home: Massieburial: 7/1/1963, Permit #147, Block: 89, Lot: 2, Row: 2, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 3/8/1971, Permit #69, Block: 100, Lot: 5, Row: 2, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 11/4/1953, Block: 94, Lot: 6, Row: 1, Funeral Home: Massie, Disintered-moved to Mesquite, TX 6/18/1988burial: 1/30/1960, Permit #32, Block: B, Lot: 1 & 2, Funeral Home: Starksburial: 10/9/1980, Permit #1070, Block: 19, Lot: 20, Funeral Home: Massie, Steel Vaultburial: 05/28/2011, Permit #7309, Block: 1, Lot: 9, Space: 1, Funeral Home: Shaffers, Concrete Boxburial: 7/1/1911, Block: 40, Lot: 10, Shipped from Cuero, TXburial: 3/20/1984, Permit #2075, Block: 19, Lot: 20, Funeral Home: Massie, Steel Vaultburial: 3/27/1956, Permit #60, Block: 19, Lot: 20, Funeral Home: Massieburial: 04/27/2016, Permit #7870, Block: 19, Lot: 20, Space: 3, Doric Vaultburial: 7/3/1962, Permit #139, Block: 40, Lot: 10, Funeral Home: Massieburial: 1/6/1966, Permit #3, Block: 89, Lot: 18, Row: 2, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 11/11/1988, Permit #3220, Block: 57, Row: 1, Space: 18, Funeral Home: Massie, Concrete Vaultburial: 7/18/1994, Permit #4401, Block: 89, Lot: 18, Row: 2, Funeral Home: Johnsons, Concrete Boxburial: 8/17/1956, Permit #177, Block: 3, Lot: 12, Funeral Home: Massieburial: 1/16/1960, Permit #14, Block: 28, Lot: 21, Funeral Home: Massie, J.C. Hubbard, Lubbock, Texasburial: 10/9/1943, Block: 81 1/2, Row: 4, Plot: 4, Funeral Home: Massieburial: 4/4/2001, Permit #5760, Block: 35, Lot: 2, Space: 6, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 7/23/1980, Permit #1017, Block: 97, Row: 10, Plot: C, Space: 5, Funeral Home: Massieburial: 2/28/1957, Permit #43, Block: 31, Lot: 13, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 9/6/1962, Permit #201, Block: 31, Lot: 13, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 7/24/1984, Permit #2182, Block: 31, Lot: 13, Funeral Home: Johnsonsburial: 10/30/1981, Permit #1373, Block: 31, Lot: 13, Funeral Home: Johnsons, Stateburial: 11/30/1911, Block: 31, Lot: 13, Foot of Mrs. E.E.
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